Our Services

For Job Seekers

  • Online Self-Paced Agile Courses

    These class will help you to get a solid understanding in developing Agile Mindset and learning practical skills on how to be a Team Facilitator, Scrum Master or an Agile Business Analyst.

  • Access to a Mentor

    We provide our students from the BootCamp with a mentor (via email) who helps you if you have any questions regarding the materials.

  • Comprehensive Interviewing Skills

    Our team will provide you with interview preparation videos that will help you understand what the hiring manager, Agile Coach, or Product Manager is looking for when hiring an Agilist.

Course Curriculum

  • 3

    Section 3: Intro to Agile

    • Agile Principles Mindset

    • Agile Manifesto from a Business Analyst Perspective

    • Twelve Agile Principles from a Business Analyst's Perspective (Agile Manifesto)

    • DOWNLOAD: Agile Principles Resources

    • Agile Principle Info Graphic

    • Seven Principles of Agile Business Analyst (Agile Extension)

    • What is Agile Mindset

    • Business Analyst Role in Scrum Framework

    • DOWNLOAD: 7 Principles of Agile Business Analyst Resource

    • Quiz 2: Validate your understanding of Agile

  • 4

    Section 4: Project based work - Trainable

    • Introduction to trainable application

    • Resources

  • 5

    Section 5: Horizons of Analysis

    • Analysis at multiple horizons

    • Strategy Horizon

    • Applying Agile Business Analyst Principles in Strategy Horizon

    • Initiative Horizon

    • Applying Agile Business Analyst Principles in Initiative Horizon

    • Delivery Horizon

    • Applying Agile Business Analyst Principles in Delivery Horizon

    • Horizons - In Other Words

    • Quiz 3: Validate your understanding of Horizons of Analysis

  • 6

    Section 6: Agile Business Analyst technique - Strategy Horizon

    • Business Analyst's Role in Strategy Horizon

    • Visioning

    • Visioning Exercise

    • Visioning exercise

    • Portfolio Kanban

    • Product Roadmap

    • Trainable Product Roadmap Example

    • Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

    • Value Stream Mapping

    • Value Stream Mapping Exercise

    • Value Stream Mapping Example

    • Quiz 4: Validate your understanding of business analyst techniques in the Strategy Horizon

  • 7

    Section 7: Agile Business Analyst technique - Initiative Horizon

    • Business Analyst role in Initiative Horizon

    • User Roles

    • Personas

    • What are User Stories and why use them

    • User Story Format

    • ACTIVITY - Practice writing User Stories

    • ACTIVITY 2 - Practice writing User Stories

    • User Story Mapping

    • Kano Analysis

    • Quiz 5: Validate your understanding of Business Analyst techniques in Initiative Horizon

  • 8

    Section 8: Agile Business Analyst technique - Delivery Horizon

    • Business Analyst role in delivery Horizon

    • Product Roadmap

    • Product Backlog

    • Backlog Refinement

    • Story Splitting (INVEST)

    • Methods for Prioritizing (MOSCOW)

    • Agile Review Session

    • Agile Retrospectives

    • Quiz 6: Validate your understanding of Business Analyst techniques in Delivery Horizon

  • 9

    Section 9: Facilitation skills of a BA

    • Business Analyst facilitation skills

  • 10

    Section 10: Wrapping things up

    • Course Completions


Intro to Agile and Scrum Course

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