Course curriculum

  • 1

    CSS 101

  • 2

    CSS 201

    • Course Introduction

    • The Display Property

    • The Box Model

    • Outlines

    • Text Shadows

    • Minimum Element Width

    • Introduction to CSS Positions

    • Relative Positioning

    • Absolute Positioning

    • Fixed Positioning

    • Sticky Positioning

    • Overflowing Text

    • Centering Block Elements

    • Advanced CSS Selectors

    • Introduction to Pseudo Selectors

    • Pseudo Selectors

    • Introduction to Pseudo Elements

    • Before and After Pseudo Elements

    • First Letter and First Line Pseudo Elements

    • Highlighting Text with Selection

    • Smooth Transitions

    • Gradient Backgrounds

    • Layering Backgrounds and Gradients

    • Custom Web Fonts

    • Tranformations

    • Animations

    • Flexbox

    • Grid

    • Your Project

    • Sumamry

  • 3

    CSS 301

    • Course Introduction

    • The Viewport Meta Element

    • Media Query Syntax

    • What is Mobile First?

    • Responsive Images

    • Responsive Embeds

    • Multiple Media Queries

    • Making a Responsive Layout

    • Your Project

    • Summary