Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to The Agile Coach!

    • Course Structure

  • 2

    Pre-work: Due before Session 1

    • ICAgile Overview of Certification Video

    • Read - ICAgile ACC Information

    • What is Agile Coaching?

    • Levels of an Agile Coach: Read Pages 1 - 5

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    Due before Session 2

    • Developing Great Agile Coaches: Read

    • Levels of an Agile Coach: Reflect and Respond

    • Developing Great Agile Coaches: Observe and Reflect

    • Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman - Video

    • Daring Leadership Podcast

    • Daring Leadership Assessment

    • Watch - Six Trumps

    • *Optional* Daring Leadership Podcast Part 2

  • 4

    Due before Session 3

    • Reinforcement: Framework

    • Learn About Teaching Styles

    • Watch an 8 minute teach

    • Read - Six Trumps: The Brain Science That Makes Training Stick

    • Discussion Board: Six Trumps - The Brain Science That Makes Training Stick

    • Content Chunking 4Cs - Group Assignment

  • 5

    Due before Session 4

    • Powerful Questions - Video

    • PQs - Journal & Share

    • Review the Agile Coaching Stances and the Mentoring & Coaching Arcs

    • The Overview of Mentoring Arc - Read

    • Watch Demo: 15 min demo with a Real life mentoring session

    • Designing a Coaching Alliance - Watch

    • Discussion: Coaching Contracts

    • Optional Refresher: Levels of Listening - Video

    • Optional Refresher: Levels of Listening - Article

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    Due before Session 5

    • The Overview of Coaching Arc - Read

    • Watch Demo: 15 min demo with a Real life coaching session

    • Mentoring and Coaching - Activity

    • Mentoring and Coaching Questionnaire

    • Managing Change with Edge - Read

    • Managing Change with Edge - Questionnaire

    • Internal vs External Coaching - Read

    • Internal vs External Coaching - Review & Respond

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    Due before Session 6

    • Seeing Systems & Toxins - Miro

    • Identifying System Boundaries - Watch

    • Exploring the Iceberg: Reading for Leading - Read

    • The Iceberg Model for Systems Thinkers - Watch

    • Team Coaching DEMO by Lori Shook - Start at 0:14:48 and listen to at least 15 minutes

    • Team Coaching DEMO Questionnaire

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    Team Reset

    • How do I help a new agile team get started on the right foot? - Watch

    • Agile Team Reset: the Modern Agile way! - Read

    • Getting a new Agile team up and running, Part 1: The kick-off workshop - Read

    • How to Kick off an Agile Project - Watch

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    Bonus Materials

    • Choosing Strategies for Change - Read

    • ADKAR: A Framework for Successful Change - Watch

    • Enabling Change and Addressing Resistance - Reflect & Respond

    • Resolving Conflict by Working with Team Toxins - Read

    • Team Toxins - Observe and Journal

    • *Optional* Go Deeper - The Four Team Toxins and Their Antidotes - Read

    • Using the Stages of Team Development - Read

    • Dysfunctional Standup - Watch

    • Team Maturity - Reflect & Share

    • Clean Language - Watch (advanced)

    • Tangled Spaghetti - Read (advanced)